Found 24 results.

CPK appoints master civil engineer
Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) has finalised one of the four key tenders related to the construction of the CPK Airport project in Poland

CPK to usher in Poland’s new era of aviation
Poland is set to make its mark on the global stage with Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK), a state-of-the-art transport hub

Conference: Hub airports and their regions
Organised by CPK in cooperation with the Airport Regions Council, the conference will examine how we can plan regions around airports

CPK drives sustainable aviation in Poland
The Centralny Port Komunikacyjny Airport will be a unique transport hub, with close links between its infrastructure and the surrounding buildings

Delivering the world’s most exciting transport hub
How CPK will transform logistics and operations throughout Europe?

CPK outlines passenger experience plans
By Tara Craig
Centralny Port Komunikacyjny is set to build a state-of-the-art airport hub from scratch, promising a seamless, enjoyable passenger experience

CPK unveils its airport master plan
CPK has published details of its airport master plan, which sets out the long-term concept for the Polish airport’s development

CPK Airport's green energy revolution
Pressing concerns about the geopolitical implications of energy dependency are becoming increasingly evident. Here's how CPK will tackle them

C-UAS demo day heads to Bicester
Airport Drone Protection (ADP) has chosen Bicester Aerodrome as the official site for the annual Counter Drone (C-UAS) Live Demonstration Day