Found 320 results.

Airports International: Winter Issue 2020
The full issue in page-turning format

Vertiports: the airport perspective
By Tara Craig
John Grant, chief data officer at OAG, outlines what the arrival of eVTOLS and vertiports will mean for airports and the wider aviation sector

Airports International Issue 3 2023
The full issue in page-turning format

Baggage handling: doing more with less
By Tara Craig
Siemens Logistics is taking its portfolio of baggage handling solutions to the next level. Tara Craig hears how

Wayfinding made easy
By Emma Kelly
Airports are getting bigger, challenging even the keenest travellers’ navigation skills. Emma Kelly reports on the wayfinding solutions helping get them to the gate on time.

Industry opinion: Brad Buswell, Leidos
Brad Buswell of Leidos shares his thoughts on security checkpoints and where technology is headed in the future

Winter operations: what Lapland can teach us
By Tom Batchelor
Investment and innovation are ensuring Lapland’s airports are ready not only for harsh weather, but for an increasing number of visitors, writes Tom Batchelor

Vertiports: electrical and digital infrastructure
By Emma Kelly
There’s much more to vertiport infrastructure than buildings. Emma Kelly looks at the digital and electrical requirements

Eve vertistop grey charging cable
Vertiports: what the aircraft developers want
By Tara Craig
Much has been written from the vertiport developers’ point of view, but what of the eVTOL firms? Tara Craig spoke to the key stakeholders

Biometrics: how to keep passenger data safe
By Emma Kelly
How can travellers be sure that their data is in safe hands as biometrics become an increasingly standard feature at airports?

How to build resilience in an airport
Kata Cserep and James Healey of PA Consulting outline the three key steps operators should take to improve resilience at airports

Vertiports and sustainability
By Tom Batchelor
From noise pollution to construction materials, are vertiports really as green as developers claim? Tom Batchelor investigates

Vestergaard's eco airside innovation
By Lars Barsøe
Lars Barsøe of Vestergaard Company reflects on the measures aviation is taking to meet its ambitious climate targets

Vertiports 1, 2024
The full issue in page-turning format, FREE to read online.

CVG's Brian Cobb on airport innovation
By Tara Craig
CVG’s Brian Cobb tells Tara Craig why innovation is crucial and how it has placed his airport at the centre of a much bigger ecosystem