
Found 38 results.

Are Airports the Next Smart Cities?

Airports globally are recognized as being similar to smart cities, as they focus on delivering improvements to operations, sustainability, experience and business vitality.

Healthy and Safer Airports

Our survey reveals industry views on post-pandemic airport recovery

Airports International conducted an online survey on behalf of Hitachi Vantara in July 2020, in order to understand the industry’s view on recovery from the pandemic and the use of technology to provide an enhanced ...

Thermo Fisher Covid 19 Testing

Download Guidance for Air Travel

Thermo Fisher Scientific is the global leader in COVID-19 testing and is involved in more than 50% of global COVID-19 testing.  We help our customers navigate the testing options and the resources needed by airlines, labs, government agencies and digital health passport vendors.

Prioritising safety in unmanned aircraft system traffic management

Drones are proliferating throughout the world’s airspace, making them impossible to ignore. As their numbers rise, the importance of finding a way for them to safely coexist with manned aircraft is growing increasingly urgent.

Varna airport

New EES Technologies at Bulgaria's Aviation Hubs

SSARM is one of the leading IT systems integrator in Bulgaria and was awarded a major contract to equip Bulgaria's aviation hubs with EES-compliant border control solutions following a tender by the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior last year.


CPK appoints master civil engineer

Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) has finalised one of the four key tenders related to the construction of the CPK Airport project in Poland

CPK aircraft on runway

CPK to usher in Poland’s new era of aviation

Poland is set to make its mark on the global stage with Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK), a state-of-the-art transport hub

Conference: Hub airports and their regions

Organised by CPK in cooperation with the Airport Regions Council, the conference will examine how we can plan regions around airports

Sustainable aviation

CPK drives sustainable aviation in Poland 

The Centralny Port Komunikacyjny Airport will be a unique transport hub, with close links between its infrastructure and the surrounding buildings

LVNL accelerates and optimises tower digitalisation with automated testing

Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL) has ensured that air traffic flows safely through the region for more than 90 years and continues to lead the way.

Centralny Port Komunikacyjny

CPK: More than an airport

Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) is not just an airport – the project includes the construction of some 2,000km of new railway lines across Poland

Centralny Port Komunikacyjny

CPK: Enhancing security

The benefits of the Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) extend beyond commercial aviation, explains the team behind the project


The runway at RAF Brize...