Found 224 results.

Perfecting Paradise
By Tom Allett
With travel brought to a halt during the current crisis, the...

Barra Airport: a remote refurbishment
Its remote location gives Barra Airport a certain windswept romance, but it also means that updating facilities requires ingenuity and skill

SITA's digital solutions for vertiports
By Tara Craig
Sergio Colella, president of SITA Europe, tells Tara Craig why the air travel IT specialist chose to venture into the world of vertiports

Assaia ApronAI helps improve turnarounds
Computer vision's role in improving turnarounds
By Max M Diez
Assaia International’s Max M Diez explains how AI and machine learning have the answer to the challenges posed by the turnaround

Sound mapping: how it could help your airport
By Jochen Schaal
Jochen Schaal of SoundPLAN outlines how noise can be mitigated with the help of modern noise mapping solutions

Looking back at 2022: Green GSE
By Tom Batchelor
While aviation struggles to find its post-pandemic feet, the GSE sector has its sights firmly set on the environment

CVG's Brian Cobb on airport innovation
By Tara Craig
CVG’s Brian Cobb tells Tara Craig why innovation is crucial and how it has placed his airport at the centre of a much bigger ecosystem

Baggage handling: Why collaboration is key
Emmanuel Lefevre of Groupe ADP and Riccardo Majorana of Leonardo reflect on the benefits of a successful partnership

Domestic air travel in Australia back to 70% of pre-Covid levels
We speak to Carl Jones, the Head of Aviation Development at Brisbane Airport, about the state of the industry… and how the travel bubble with New Zealand was set up in just two weeks

A look back at 2021: Smart shopping
Airport retail has been hit hard by COVID-19, but retail operators are fighting back, armed with everything from bots to virtual reality, as Tara Craig reports

Chairing the crisis
By Carroll McCormick
The first woman chair of the Canadian Airports Council is having...

Stronger together: Asia-Pacific ANSPs
By Emma Kelly
Emma Kelly investigates how Asia-Pacific ANSPs are working together to address the challenges of an ongoing boom in air traffic

Last Call
Gökmen Aritay is chief operation officer at Pristina International...

Sustainable vertiports: fact or fiction?
Will vertiports simply replicate the environmental errors made by airports, or will stakeholders capitalise on the chances presented by this fledgling sector? Tara Craig reports

Going green
As European airports look to reduce their carbon footprint, what...