The associated runway closure will conclude early, the airport operator said, with Runway 28 Left reopening no later than Friday, June 21.
SFO launched the project to realign two taxiways, “Delta” and “Tango”, allowing aircraft to exit runways 28 Left and 28 Right more easily and safely after landing. Construction crews removed existing taxiways and reconstructed the two taxiways as separate, non-intersecting taxiways. The new configuration improves safety and brings the layout of the taxiways up to the latest standards.
On January 18, 2024, SFO closed Runway 28 Left as part of the project. The construction timeline accounted for unforeseen circumstances and weather conditions, which has allowed the project to be completed ahead of schedule. The project accomplished the following:
• Paved new taxiways equivalent to 15 football fields
• Built an underground jet fuel facility the size of a two-car garage
• Laid more than 11 miles of electrical cabling
• Used more than 700 gallons of paint for taxiway markings
• Coordinated more than 1,400 truck deliveries for asphalt.
The San Francisco International Airport Commission awarded the contract for completion of the project to Golden Gate Constructors. The project is federally funded, with an estimated construction cost of $60m.