Tokyo’s Haneda Airport (IATA: HND) has completed a self-bagdrop upgrade planned ahead of the city’s hosting of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, despite the COVID-19 crisis forcing a year-long delay to the events.
Prior to the pandemic, Haneda was Japan’s fastest growing airport in terms of passenger numbers and its capacity has recently been increased through new terminalextensions. As part of its preparation to host higher passenger numbers for the Olympic Games and beyond, Haneda chose to install a new selfbag-drop system inside its Terminals 2 and 3. These were installed by Germany’s Materna IPS (intelligent passenger solutions) and the Tokyo Kanetsu engineering company.

The plans required the fully automated Materna Flex.Go bag drops to be available just in time for the summer 2020 Games, so the new equipment – 68 self-bag-drop units – was ready in April 2020. A further 36 units will be installed before the end of this year.
The Flex.Go system can carry out fully automated baggage classification, weighing and scanning and Materna IPS and TKK will be integrating the product into the One ID biometric identification solution that Haneda is working towards.
Japan Airlines (JAL) is already using the equipment for its passengers while All Nippon Airways (ANA) and Delta Airlines will follow shortly.