VINCI Airports’ Toulon-Hyères airport in France, and Beja, Madeira and Ponta Delgada airports in Portugal, are among the first 10 airports in the world to achieve Level 5 of the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) programme. The ACA programme assesses the decarbonisation of airport activities and the contribution of airports to the overall net zero carbon emissions target for aviation by 2050. Toulon achieved a 90% emissions reduction in 2022 versus 2018, Ponta Delgada reduced emissions by 96.16% between 2014 and 2022, Madeira by 96.74% between 2014 and 2022, and Beja reduced emissions by 98.1% over the same period.
Nicolas Notebaert, CEO of VINCI Concessions and president of VINCI Airports, said: “I am proud of what VINCI Airports’ teams have achieved in France and in Portugal. This is just the beginning, because “Climate action can’t wait”, we are accelerating decarbonisation and making low carbon transition a priority to achieve net zero emissions on our direct emissions by 2030 at our airports in the European Union and at London Gatwick, and by 2050 for our network in the rest of the world.”