Volatus Infrastructure & Energy Solutions and LYTE Aviation have formed a partnership to fulfil the infrastructure requirements for all types of eVTOL technologies.
Volatus Infrastructure & Energy Solutions (VI&E Solutions) will expand its refuelling options to include its universal multi-modal electric charging station, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and hydrogen to be able to service all types of hybrid and fully electric VTOLs.
“Advanced Air Mobility will come in many different shapes, sizes and means of propulsion — including bold, game-changing designs like the LA-44 SkyBus. As infrastructure and energy providers we believe in the importance of accommodating as many designs as possible so that eVTOL operators have more safety divert options available for landing,” said Dan Sloat, VI&E Solutions CEO.
Freshta Farzam, CEO and Founder of LYTE Aviation, added: “ With the rapid global embrace of our SkyBus, and its cargo variant our SkyTruck, that can lift up to 4.5 tons vertically and deliver point to point, we need to roll out the right infrastructure strategically and on time. In simple words, we need a landing pad solution of approximately 40 x 40m that can carry our 17-ton heavyweight aircraft. And for that reason, VI&E Solutions is an optimal partner for our US market. Dan and his team’s extensive knowledge and network in the global AAM industry is a very attractive match for us.
“Furthermore, their eagerness to strategically set up the SAF and hydrogen refuelling stations at their facilities and be the front runners, is very impressive. As we have chosen a hybrid SAF and hydrogen power output, we would need both at the vertiports. And let’s not forget, hydrogen is an energy carrier, a giant battery that can store the electricity that will be required for the electric charging stations, which also can be found at their facilities.”
UK-based electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) manufacturer LYTE Aviation is pioneering the industry’s first 40-seat eVTOL, a heavyweight passenger mass transit vertical take-off and landing aircraft branded the SkyBus LA-44. It is also designing a cargo variant, SkyTruck LA44C, offering a payload capacity of 4.5 tons. The aircraft is being designed to be five times more fuel efficient than a helicopter, ten times less noise polluting than a helicopter, with considerably fewer MRO costs. With its tandem tiltwing technology, power will come from hybrid-hydrogen-electric turboprops and electric engines. LYTE Aviation is estimating entering the market within five to six years.
Image: Volatus Infrastructure