Bristol Airport has published its sustainability strategy, including a new interim target to cut carbon emissions across its operations by 73% by 2027, versus 2019. The strategy sets four goals for Bristol Airport: to be net zero across its operations by 2030; to collaborate with its partners on accelerating zero emissions flight; to protect the local environment; and to support local communities.
The airport worked with Business In The Community, the responsible business charity, to create the strategy. Over 2,000 people were engaged with and consulted to create the strategy, including local residents, staff, the business community and industry experts. The airport said its impact on the local economy and jobs, improvements to biodiversity and air quality, and noise and traffic were all raised as important issues during the project.
Clare Hennessey, director of planning and sustainability, said: “A sustainable business is one that is both environmentally and socially conscious. Our Sustainability Strategy responds to priorities raised by our stakeholders, setting clear goals and targets for the next five years, establishing a transparent benchmark against which we will report our progress.”