AmSafe Bridport has reached another milestone in its bid to produce fire containment covers (FCCs) when it completed the world’s first successful fire containment test with Li-ion batteries in a 35.3sq ft (1m³)-space. The six-hour test involved bundling together 4,800 batteries that were charged to between 50-70% of their capacity into AmSafe’s Mantle fire containment UK/US & EU Pallet skid design. This was then placed into the thermal runway which recorded internal temperatures exceeding 1500ºC. AmSafe says that Mantle is the only product in the world to contain a fire of this intensity within such a small space. This is the company’s eighth recorded Li-on Battery test across their Mantle range of FCCs.

AmSafe Bridport is the first company to achieve TSO certification C203 for Type 1 FCCs.