This provisional tender is an important step towards the start of construction work in 2026. The parties will continue to work on the design and planning in the coming period. With the new baggage basement, Schiphol is creating the necessary capacity to replace and renew the existing baggage system and improve the working conditions of baggage employees.
The new baggage basement will have a total area of nearly 32,500m2, with over 21,000m2 of new baggage systems. This is an important and necessary addition to the existing 145,000m2 of baggage systems, as large portions of them are in need of replacement. According to the airport, the new baggage basement provides the space to replace and refurbish the existing systems, making it essential to the operational continuity of baggage handling. The modernisation of the baggage systems by Vanderlande will also contribute to better working conditions for baggage employees.
“The preliminary tender marks the end of an extensive preparatory phase and the beginning of the so-called construction team phase, in which we will work out the design and planning together. After that, we will definitively select the contractors for the construction of the baggage basement,” said Sybren Hahn, executive director Schiphol infrastructure.
“This is the first major construction project at the airport that we are carrying out using this new method. By involving contractors in the design process at an early stage, we are making optimal use of the market's expertise and are genuinely working together to realise the project. This approach ensures better cooperation, more control over planning, costs and quality and leads to a more efficient execution of complex construction projects at the airport.”
Schiphol is investing €6bn over the next five years. This is the largest investment plan in the history of the airport and with it, Schiphol wants to improve the infrastructure, working conditions and services to passengers and airlines.